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100% Pure Borneo Ginger Powder

No preservatives added


100% Kunyit Borneo

Tidak mengandungi pengawet


10 Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

1. Turmeric Contains Bioactive Compounds With Powerful Medicinal Properties

2. Curcumin Is a Natural Anti-Inflammatory Compound

3. Turmeric Dramatically Increases the Antioxidant Capacity of the Body

4. Curcumin Boosts Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Linked to Improved Brain Function and a Lower Risk of Brain Diseases

5. Curcumin Should Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

6. Turmeric Can Help Prevent (And Perhaps Even Treat) Cancer

7. Curcumin May Be Useful in Preventing and Treating Alzheimer's Disease

8. Arthritis Patients Respond Very Well to Curcumin Supplements

9. Studies Show That Curcumin Has Incredible Benefits Against Depression

10. Curcumin May Help Delay Aging and Fight Age-Related Chronic Diseases


Manfaat Kunyit untuk Kesehatan dan Kecantikan

1. Mengubati luka ringan

2. Melancarkan pencernaan

3. Mengempiskan jerawat

4. Merawat kulit

5. Membantu mengatasi kanser

6. Meredakan flu

7. Mencegah penyakit jantung

8. Melemaskan persendian yang kaku

9. Meringankan gejala PMS

10. Menyembuhkan penyakit kulit

Sarawak Turmeric Ginger Powder (25gm)

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